Delta Dome is a collaborative performance based sculptural artwork that was created (and placed) in the Saskatchewan River Delta on an island in Cumberland Lake Saskatchewan, with artist Linda Muizniece.  As shown and talked about in the video Becoming Water- Building the Delta Dome this piece reflects my passion for water and the environment.  The spherical shape represents the planet Earth and the twine holding it together represents our earth's water.  As the twine (water) weakens and starts reducing it's impact on the sphere (earth) the sphere (earth) will begin to slowly collapse and no longer be able to exist.  Without water on our planet we as a species will no longer exist, nor will the other species of plants and animals that exist alongside us.  Water is a life force, it has an energy that moves and flows within it, bringing life or death to everything that it touches.  Water is also a cycle, it repeats and repeats reusing every drop and molecule that it can because it is cyclical process.  My interaction with this piece represents our species interactions with water.  We are a species that takes what we need in order to be things for ourselves and water is no exception to this.  We take and use water as if we have an unlimited amount, we create barriers to contain bodies of water and try to manipulate it so that it will benefit ourselves.  In turn we damage many things, including the environment with all of its flora and fauna.  Water is a force greater than all of us, it is something we will never be able to truly control because it is not ours to control.  During the creation of this piece we worked in close proximity to the water and could feel the power of its force upon us as we worked.  The water was creeping higher and higher onto the island, trying to find a way to take back what is truly its own from the grasp of our hands. 

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