This page contains resources that I have created and used for teaching purposes.
I created these two maps to use during a French lesson which talked about the different parts/areas of the school.  As a group we walked around the school and wrote down the names of things in French (ie. specific classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, stairs, gym, commons area, etc.). The "liste des mots pour la legende" is below the maps, students carried this with them and used it to fill in the blank spaces on "la legende".  
This is a regular ER, IR, and RE verb sheet. I created it and gave it to the students when we started learning about these types of verbs and how to conjugate.  By giving them the endings at the top and verbs below they were able to memorize the endings of the verbs so i could ask them to conjugate any verb on the sheet. 
This is a PowerPoint presentation that i put together to use during a lesson about French art History.  After going through the PowerPoint students were then tasked with creating Blind Contour portraits of their chosen partner.  
This is a PowerPoint presentation that i put together for the French multicultural day sessions.  We did a French cooking lesson and we baked cheese, so i created a short PowerPoint to talk a little about the history of cheese and why French people are so in love with it. 

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