This is a collection of student work from grades 9-12.  The assignment was to create a blind contour portrait of their partner. This assignment came after a lesson on French Art History.  Students were forced to not look at their image at all while they drew and instead stare at their partner, this proved to be quite humorous and fun.  If you look closely at the images you can see that there are multiple layers of drawings on each one.  The idea behind this is that it will create a more full image by building up the layers (using different colours and different materials).  It also gave students multiple attempts at the style of drawing, it can be quite difficult to not look at your paper or lift up your pencil.  Blind contour drawings are a great way to get every person involved in the activity because it requires no drawing or artistic skill.  Often times the people who think they "can't draw" end up creating the most interesting images.  

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