Whether it is positive or negative we leave a little piece of ourselves in every place we go.  The human body comes in many shapes and forms but it is what is within the interior of that shell that makes us, us.  Each piece signifies something different and together those unique pieces make us whole.  In order to develop each piece of our self we must rely on different parts and places in our life.  A memory of a place can help shape its surroundings with physical details but it is the piece of one’s self that is left there that stays as a reminder to all who come after them.  It is the same as if you have left a physical part of yourself in the place.  For example leaving a cereal bowl on the counter, the person who visits that place after them knows that they have been there.  There are many differences between these two scenarios but the only real difference is that one cannot physically see the piece of themselves being left behind.  The piece left behind becomes something more emotional like a happy or a sad moment within the space, but it can always be “seen” in ways such as a woman leaving the scent of her perfume lingering in a room.  It can be noticed in the confidence of a man as he walks out the door leaving an air of sureness and poise or simply in the lasting laughs in the air of children playing with toys scattered on the ground.  The piece that one leaves can be anything and it doesn’t ever have to be the same it changes just as they change.  Along with this piece left behind comes an air of uncertainty a questioning factor forcing an individual to determine how the person before them left the space.  There can be feelings of loneliness and isolation left in a space and it can feel as if a person has just disappeared and gone away.  But even in the loneliest of moments there can be a glimmer of hope left behind, it takes a lot of looking but deep inside there is something within every person that makes them who they are and whether they know it or not they share that piece of themselves with someone else in the world every day.  A footstep, a shoe print, a laugh, or a scent one piece is always left for someone else to discover. 

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